from: DMS regionale

Sulla linea Gustav. Il cammino della memoria

Torino di Sangro

itinerario turistico

On the Gustav Line. The journey of memory” is a pedestrian and bicycle tour that traces the memory of the sad events of World War II which, in the period between the last months of 1943 and the first six months of 1944, upset many inhabited centers in Abruzzo.

The Gustav Line was a defensive line used by the Germans to stop the advance of the Allies, Americans and the British Empire, who were proceeding northwards, freeing the territories occupied by German troops. Cut in half lengthwise Italy, in its narrowest part, joining the mouth of the River Sangro, in Abruzzo, with that of the river Garigliano, in Lazio. Also crossing Molise and Campania.



Mappa percorso

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